Monday, June 20, 2011

diamondbacks game

This past Saturday my sister (Makenzie), my friend Montine, and I went to a Diamondbacks game. They played the White Sox and unfortunately lost 6-2...but we had tons of fun! Here's how the game went...

Montine, me, and Makenzie on our way to the game on the lightrail. We were packed like sardines...and we really love AJ's iced drinks

Weeeee're here! This is Chase Field where the Diamondbacks play.

 Inside Chase Stadium

 The pool that people can rent to watch the game, I've always wanted to do this. Unfortunately, it's mucho dinero.

 Being goofballs instead of watching the game. Typical.

Dancing our hearts out to try and get on the jumbotron, it never happened :(

This is us at the very top of the stadium.

 Roof Status

Straight balling...

...and batting!

After the game we decided to explore Downtown Phoenix, up next!


  1. i love going to baseball games -- even the minor league ones that my family use to go to when i was little :] cute blog btw! im your 2nd follower :]

  2. Where I live, people don't play baseball games! รถ we have football and tennis. Wich I both think are absolutely boring! Love to see some diffrent sports... x
